October 15, 2017

The Prophet and the King – Jonah 3:6-9

Passage: Jonah 3:6-9

Jonah's message to Nineveh is not exactly an ideal example of a well balanced gospel presentation we might hold up as a model for seminary students. The ideal mix of 'law & gospel' does not appear to be a concern for him. His 8 word sermon is heavy on the judgement side of things as he calls out in the streets of this pagan city: “yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” Jonah in fact was not at all interested in mercy for this city. He would later resent the fact that God was gracious to them, relenting of His threatened destruction upon their repentance. Even the verbiage of Jonah's pronouncement recalled former devastating judgements of God. The term “overthrown” was used in former days to describe the coming doom of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yet in spite of all this, repentance swept city-wide like a wildfire of revival and proved this moment one of the singular events of evangelism in all recorded history! Who deserves the glory for this response? Certainly not Jonah or his pagan hearers. No; Yahweh Himself, the only wise God has done this. Glory to Him alone who has all power to execute and all wisdom to establish (Ps 74). Daniel, having received the Word of God himself for a powerful pagan kingdom confessed (Dan 2:20 ) “Blessed be the name of God forever, and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”

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