January 19, 2020

War Hero Abram – Genesis 14:1-16

Passage: Genesis 14:1-16
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Genesis 14 is the first record of war in scripture properly speaking. As such, this conflict is strikingly similar to many aspects of modern warfare with one exception. The victor and spoils in this campaign are finally awarded to the significant son and patriarch Abram who does not engage his troops according to the prevailing motivations. Abram is not interested in rebellion, empire, independence, or power, rather he enters this conflict to liberate his kinsman and nephew, Lot, who is caught up in this chaotic affair. The occasion provides further opportunity to contrast the wisdom and security promised in covenant with the Lord to the ways and schemes of fallen man negotiating in his national/self interest to secure the advantage. Later, through the covenant leadership of His servant Moses, the Lord details blessings associated with obedience in Leviticus 26:7-8: “You shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword. 5 of you shall chase 100 and 100 of you shall chase 10,000 and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.” Abram certainly confirmed this promise on this occasion in Canaan. Whereas Lot found himself hamstrung by the consequences of drifting from covenant security for the promise of material wealth, Abram testifies to the power and promises of God regardless of the odds. In the end, it was the faithfulness of Abram that secured salvation for Lot foreshadowing the hope of salvation provided throughout the ultimate covenant head . How much greater still would the Second Adam would prove to be in war!?

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