How your giving is used…

As of now Providence has no full-time staff. We make ministry a priority, and as giving increases, so will our ability to do many things:

  • Write and post free online study materials
  • Coordinate and equip the body of Christ through regular study groups
  • Plan, record, and promote outreach opportunities
  • Encourage and evangelize through counseling and accountability
  • Support needs within the church
  • Support Christ-centered missions
  • Produce testimony videos
  • Equip parents with education tools
  • Purchase and dispense Bibles and books
  • Purchase and maintain our church facility
  • Launch future Biblical enculturation efforts
  • Compile and publish apologetic tools
  • Fund future matching funds adoption project
  • Implement Christian education ministry efforts for families with hardships
  • Continue to serve our future families with complimentary premarital counseling and wedding ceremonies
  • Compose and produce Scripture as music for meditation and memorization
  • Publish family worship schedules and study guides
  • Serve the community through emergency services chaplaincy
  • Produce dominion-oriented instructional videos and documentaries on stewardship of the priestly call of all believers
  • Develop and maintain an online education hub for topical learning through consolidated multimedia access
  • Promote and fund Christian charity efforts to care for the livelihood and medical needs of our own in hardship

(and eventually hire a full-time staff member or two as resources permit) …In all of this we aim to maximize every dollar donated for the glory of Christ!