Under the teaching and discipleship of her parents, Gene and Marissa, Marlie Engisch recently began showing signs of a heart that was being regenerated by God.  Gene and Marissa both talked with her to make sure she truly understood what this meant, that she understood her sin and her need for a savior.  As was shared in their testimony at church, Marlie made it clear that she desired a new heart and wanted “to be a light for Jesus.”  Her parents prayed with her and have seen such a difference ever since.  So, on Sunday, October 11, Marlie (with the help of Gene) made her desire to follow Christ a public statement in front of the church and was baptized by her dad and Pastor Ken.  Welcome to the family, Marlie, and to God be the glory!

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We rented out the pool room at a local hotel because it’s October in Minnesota.