January 8, 2023

AMEKH – THE TRIAL OF FIRE – Psalm 119:113-120

Passage: Psalm 119:113-120

Each verse of stanza 15 in the great acrostic psalm begins with the Hebrew letter 'samekh' in the original language emphasizing the sufficiency of the Word of God even through trials involving the double minded, the wicked, and evil doers. The psalmist multiplies references to the Word of God again in this section having written his 121st synonym for the ultimate source of reassurance regardless of the difficulties of life's journey. While many in our day mark the occasion of a new year with resolutions to improve their life, the psalmist, upon the occasion of trials, reaffirms his faith and commitment to the Lord and the Lord's will expressed in the scriptures -or- the law, word, commandments, promise, statutes, testimonies, and judgements of God. Verse 119 invokes separation imagery with reference to 'dross'. This is the impurity present in metals that can only be isolated and removed with heat reaching the melting point of elements like gold or silver. It makes sense in light of this that trials reach a certain intensity for more than one reason. Not only do they expose and remove the dross of double-minded wickedness, but they also test, temper, and prove genuine faith. The psalmist thus encourages the singer despite life's hardships. This stanza prepares us for intense trials by means of a power superior to any tyrant... the immortal, infallible Word of God!