Appeal to Heaven – Psalm 109
November 8, 2020

Appeal to Heaven – Psalm 109

Passage: Psalm 109
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Psalm 109 is the 2nd of a set of 3 Davidic Psalms in this portion of the Psalter. Each of the Psalms portrays decisive action in different ways. Victory in war (108), victory in court (109), and victory in ascension (110). What is the punishment deserving of treason against the Messiah and how would a prosecuting attorney, seeking justice on His behalf, make his case? Ps 109 answers this question by bringing us into the courtroom where a just God will rule against those who prove His most malicious enemies. A citation of this psalm resurfaces in Acts 1:20 with reference to Judas, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. The authors of scripture recognized the validity and application of 'imprecatory' psalms in the context of God's justice and covenants. David's voice in this Psalm assumes the 'prophetic first person'... He is singing AS the lineage of the Messiah. As such he is expressing a cry for the preservation of mankind via the redemptive purposes of God which must be protected at all costs. Since God has ordained to reveal Himself and His Messiah in history through the seed of the woman, the war waged by the serpent is fought on the stage of human history. The wicked on trial in this indictment have leveraged their office to maximize power for evil purposes. Future salvation for humanity hinges upon justice served in preservation of David's house. Through the ages there has manifested a particular evil wherein agents of satanic allegiance have waged war against the purposes of God in salvation employing strategies ranging from despising God's anointed to infanticide, waging war on the image of God and the means of the incarnation where the righteous are most vulnerable. If they do not repent, they will be taken to court on Judgement day. Psalm 109 anticipates these proceedings...

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