March 17, 2019

Generational Revelation – Genesis 5

Passage: Genesis 5
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We noted recently from Galatians 4 that a Biblical philosophy of history might be summarized by the phrase: “time measured by the progress of redemption”. Here in the beginning pages of Genesis we find Moses – the world's first great historian - recording the history of early man with reference to this organizing theme. Thus events signaling hope for fallen mankind to be reconciled to a Holy God are prominently featured in the text. Our passage today is preceded by a phrase recurring throughout the book: “this is the, -or- these are the generations...”(2:11, 5:1, 6:9, 10:1, 11:10). Each of these statements are followed by an official account or documentation most often including a list of family descent or genealogy. Gen 5 contains a genealogy which is interrupted several times to note key ideas or figures, each pertaining to the history of the covenant, or the progress of redemption. In this way, Genesis 5 is a microcosm in structure of the entire book of Genesis which unfolds as an official documentation of family lines like a chain connecting the revelatory jewels of salvation promises and fulfillment. In addition, Genesis 5 documents by accounts of natural death, the enduring consequences of sin that now plague the human condition as an ever present reminder of judgement. Yet this record also continues by virtue of the grace of God evident in future generations heeding the command to “be fruitful and multiply” and so hope of a future son remains alive...

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