November 14, 2021


Passage: Psalm 119:17-24

We have noted how rich the context of the first stanza (Aleph) in this singular acrostic song becomes as we consider it in the context of the giving of the law at Sinai (Deut 4,5). Following this pattern, the next stanza (Beth) comes alive in light of the obligation and privilege of teaching the revelation of God to the next generation (Deut 6:4-9 and 11:18-19). Today we behold in the third movement of Ps 119 emphasizing the Word of God is sufficient for the trial of sojourning. And once again these verses correspond with the calling of the Israelites through the wilderness unto the promised land. They did not travel empty handed, Yahweh revealed to them His Words and Law upon Sinai and this revelation would prove their most valuable possession, equipping them for the trial of sojourning unto the promises of God. The psalmist, though born at an entirely different historical era, is no less grateful for this application of the Word of God as he acknowledges a life situation every believer can relate to following the path of God's people out of Egypt in their own wilderness challenges. William Cowper put it this way: “ an elect man, life is a great benefit; for by it he goes form election to glorification by way of sanctification. The longer he lives, the more good he doth, to the glory of God, the edification of others, and confirmation of his own salvation; making it sure to himself by wrestling and victory in temptations, and perseverance in well doing.” In this sense, believers of every age have a sojourning call. What are we to cling to on our journey unto glory come what may? The Psalmist insists... the word, the law, the commandments, the rules, the testimonies, and the statutes of God are to take priority above all else. The sojourner especially should appreciate universal truths, ethical absolutes, rules and directives that will apply in every situation..

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