September 26, 2021

GOD’S HOUSE – Genesis 28:10-22

Passage: Genesis 28:10-22

Imagine yourself as an Egyptian servant in the court of Joseph during his reign in the land. Years and years have passed from the moments we witness in our text today. You have a limited yet growing appreciation for the God of the Hebrews, recognizing the calling and blessing upon the the second in command of your nation. You hear that Joseph's family will be relocating to your country due to famine. The patriarch Jacob is traveling to your country. You are provided the opportunity to meet Jacob in his waning years and to inquire of his experience and understanding of Yahweh, the miraculous God of Joseph. You have heard of your master' dreams that foretold his unlikely rule when he was but a boy among his brothers in Canaan. You ask Jacob to recount to you his testimony of the One True God. He would undoubtedly tell you of a dream as well. An absolutely life transforming experience with God almighty that he encountered on another journey when he was a much younger man. You listen with eyes wide and with rapt attention to the vision of HEAVEN'S STAIRWAY TOUCHING GROUND at Bethel, the House of God... where a scheming younger brother was transformed into a lifetime worshipper of Yahweh in one glorious and terrifying night...

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