God’s Voice Today – Psalm 95
September 8, 2019

God’s Voice Today – Psalm 95

Passage: Psalm 95
Service Type:

The liturgical context for Psalm 95 involved the observances prescribed for public worship in the life of the people of God. An order of service would be presided over by the Levitical officers, (those appointed by God to lead the people in worship of Yahweh). The priestly rites and regular assembly would be called to ascribe glory to the Lord: Israel's covenant hope, Glorious Shepherd, and Triumphant Savior. Nehemiah 9 provides an order of worship coinciding with the historical occasion of re-instituting worship in the sanctuary of God with His people that helps us imagine events attending the experience of the author and singers of Psalm 95. The Psalm itself references formative events in the history and calling of the people of God which coincide with divine revelation. These Exodus moments of triumph were designed to demonstrate the glory of God and gather the people in worship regularly. Nevertheless, the corrosive nature of unbelief, fatigue, and cynicism clouded the affections of the Israelites on their promised land journey and so they needed further calls to worship. Their attention would be arrested as they remembered the works of the Lord among them and took seriously the warnings against faithlessness...

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