October 31, 2021

GOD’S WILL vs. MAN’S WHIM – Genesis 29:21-35

Passage: Genesis 29:21-35

The origin story of the family history and national identity of the future nation of Israel continues to unfold in our text. The children born of Jacob’s wives will be identified with the tribal divisions of this people for thousands of years to come. If the Bible was like any other nationalistic historical record of a proud people's history – it would no doubt take the occasion to highlight the noble characteristics of each founding father. It would likely embellish successes and minimize flaws, after all this history will go down in the record for future generations to appreciate rally behind with great patriotic pride. The early years of Jacob's family biography are nothing of the sort. Instead they feature the folly and frailty of human agency which only underscores the miraculous and merciful hand of God preserving a people and a plan in spite of human sin which is endemic to all in Adam. This story will be redeemed through a significant Son yet to come. This family, though in the privileged messianic line, nevertheless needs the Messiah as much as anyone. The stage is set in out text today with an introduction to the wives and first few children of Jacob. Once again the grace of the only true Covenant Keeper appears all the more glorious given the dysfunction of Jacob's home...

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