March 17, 2024

GOD’S WORLD (A Genesis Overview) – Genesis 2:1-17 – 3-17-24

Passage: Genesis 2:1-17

The book of Genesis is separated by two major historical context divisions. The 1st includes chapters 1-11 involving the state of all the world before and after both the fall of man and the great flood. The 2nd includes chapters 12-50 which follow the family line and promises of Abraham in the interest of a saving hope for humanity. The book of Genesis is further subdivided by literary context markers via the 10 times repeated phrase: “These are the generations of...”. These markers highlight 1. Creation (2:4), 2. Covenant son line of Seth (5:1), 3. Covenant milestone with Noah (6:19), 4. 'New creation' with sons of Noah (10:1), 5. Covenant son line of Shem, 6. Covenant milestone with Abraham (11:27), 7. Seed of serpent line of Ishmael (25:12), 8. Seed of the woman line of Isaac (25:19), 9. Seed of serpent line of Esau (36:1), 10. Seed of woman line of Jacob (37:2). These literary divisions signal primary themes in the text, from them we might derive 3 in summary: Creation, Covenant, and Calling. All of these ideas are in service of the great overarching theme of Genesis and the rest of scripture...The glory of God revealed in the salvation of man.