February 13, 2022


Passage: Psalm 119:33-40

As our Psalm has opened with dual themes of the sufficiency of the Word of God and the trying journey of life, it seems fitting that the author would add to the record the presenting trial of worldly temptations. Combining the challenges of verses 26, 37 and 39 we might summarize the enemies of his soul addressed in this section as the selfish gain of worthless things yielding dreadful reproach. Though young and old battle this foe, it is particularly tantalizing in the naivete of youth. Solomon, the presumptive author of Ecclesiastes, provides the classic example of these lessons learned the 'hard way'. In spite of Deut 17:16-17 which counsel the king not to acquire excessive horses, wives, and riches, Solomon's kingdom was known world-wide for record holdings in all 3 of these categories. As in the book of Ecclesiastes, great reproach and disillusionment prove to be the true reward of his worldly gain (Ecc 6:1-2). This is the bitter truth of life under the sun... worldly gain empties the soul. Ecclesiastes presents a bleak picture indeed until one repents and submits to life under the fear of the Lord. The preacher concludes his thoughts echoing the great admonitions of Ps 119 in Ecc 12:13-14. One day everyone will see that the statutes, law, commandments, testimonies, ways, promises, rules, and precepts of God are immeasurably superior to the wealth, possessions, and honor promised by selfish gain (Ecc 12:14). Let us be convinced of this reality by the Word of God this day... lest we be found wanting in the balances (Dan 5:24-28) on the final day...

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