May 8, 2022

‘HETH’ – THE TRIAL OF CAPTIVITY – Psalm 119:57-64

Passage: Psalm 119:57-64

The eighth stanza of the Bible' s great acrostic Psalm assures the singer that the Word/Covenant revelation of God is sufficient for the trial of captivity. Verse 61 describes conditions that try the soul of the believer as “the cords of the wicked” ensnaring him, nevertheless, he does not forget the Law of God. In the context of captivity or to a lesser degree but principally similar, a cultural context hostile to the Christian world-view – the convictions of one's soul are rigorously tested. In our society, as in the days of our author, no doubt, it costs something to be a follower of Christ. The Psalmist remains resolved: “The Lord is my portion” he confesses. Idols compete in a fallen world for the title of “our portion”. Where do we look for sufficient provision for challenges we face? In our day the state lays claim to authority and sufficiency. We are expected to turn to the government for our portion. Our safety and daily bread are guaranteed by political institutions by the lawless of our day. In light of our text, we recognize these promises are nothing but a snare of the wicked. The Lord is our portion. This confession is most difficult to maintain in times of hardship. The convictions of Ps 119 require faith in times like ours. We are called to walk by faith and not by sight despite our enemies. Once again the Psalmist exhorts us to reinforce our souls by heeding the words, promises, ways, testimonies commandments, law, rules, precepts, and statutes of the Lord. ....