February 19, 2017

Jesus In Court – Matthew 27:11-23

Passage: Matthew 27:11-23
Service Type:

The claims of Christ were in conflict with the claims of the leaders of His day, particularly and especially the chief priests and elders of the people who took counsel together intending to destroy Him (v:1). Their intentions are behind Jesus' trial and the progression of events mentioned in verse one is picked up in verse 11 and following. Prompted by a question as to His kingship by governor Pilate, Jesus gives a simple four word answer in the affirmative: “you have said so”. John 18 expounds on this moment as Christ proclaimed the superior nature and authority of His kingdom to a lesser king. Some have sought to show that Jesus was minimizing His claims, tempering them under the pressure of legal interrogation. Matthew Henry begs to differ stating: “Before Pilate, He witnessed a good confession, and was not ashamed to own Himself a king, though it looked ridiculous, nor afraid, though at this time it was dangerous.” In these latter Gospel chapters, Christ's confessions are relevant and pointed. Before the religious council He confesses Himself the Messiah and before the civil court He confesses Himself king! Matthew Henry further observes by historical pattern: “... it has often been, the hard fate of Christ's holy religion unjustly to fall under the suspicions of the civil powers, as if it were hurtful to kings and provinces, whereas it tends mightily to the benefit of both.”

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