December 6, 2015

Mystery of Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:1-11

Passage: Hebrews 7:1-11
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The theological significance of Melchizedek's unique priesthood has been anticipated in the context prior to this section of Hebrews. The specific Psalm 110 reference is first mentioned in 5:6 followed by verse 10, again referring to Christ's unique priesthood. 5:11 interrupts the exposition of this text, however, because the author has deemed it necessary to secure the attention of his audience. He does so with the stiffest of warnings against apostasy.... Are we listening today? The context ought to alert us to the important and challenging nature of these themes. In our last Hebrews message we noted the narrative of redemptive history with reference to the Abrahamic covenant is the contextual framework in the background of Heb 6:13-20. Our text today demonstrates continuity with the Genesis account of God's revelation by expounding the redemptive significance of the events immediately preceding the Abrahamic covenant. Gen 14 records an encounter with a shadowy and significant Old Testament figure. The mysterious and monumental nature of this exchange remained largely unrealized until this very moment in history when the Spirit breathed its meaning through the author of Hebrews. Many seemingly disconnected messianic realities are reconciled in the Melchizedekian order of Christ's priesthood.

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