Paul introduces his letter to the Corinthian church by setting forth the ideal. His affirmation and description of the church is inspiring and fundamental, drawing the attention of his readers…
This message is our 13th sermon from the short, yet powerful epistle of Jude. Once a month, for more than a year, we have considered in detail the implications an…
Paul speaks of a peace that passes understanding in our worship text today (Phil 4:7). This promise of superior peace via the Gospel which inspired and encouraged the early church…


September 17, 2023
Central to my thesis on this text is the difference in fortunes between the citizens of Egypt and the covenant family under the administration of Joseph (v:20-21 & 27). The…


September 10, 2023
Psalm 120 introduces the 'Psalms of Ascent' section of the Psalter. Chapters 120-134 share this title which can be translated 'degrees', 'steps', or an upward direction or trajectory. Many have…