Preaching to Princes – Psalm 82
July 15, 2018

Preaching to Princes – Psalm 82

Passage: Psalm 82
Service Type:

In Psalm 82 – albeit in song form – Asaph assumes the role of preacher to the state. This role of the clergyman is rarely practiced these days. Why?, we should ask. Generally it seems reasonable to conclude this is because the government has become an idol. Modern man is a state worshipper in most cases. There is no sermon appropriate to preach to one's god after all. A closer analysis may reveal a situation where a prophetic voice to government is effectively silenced by subtle compromise. These days the relationship of evangelical leaders to politicians seems to be, in most cases, a mutually beneficial situation where the magistrate is happy to court the endorsement of a religious leader representing a segment of the voting public while the evangelical leader is happy to secure a seat at the political table, hoping to influence policy. We seldom see prophet Nathan to King David type confrontations declaring: “You are the man!” (II Sam 12:7) calling the magistrate to repentance upon his having fallen short of the law of God. This is a lesson Nathan and Asaph can teach us. Another lesson occurs to the reader as an answer to the question: “what worship value does a Psalm oriented as a rebuke to governing authorities contain for the church?”. When we proclaim the law of God and His reprimands to the rulers of men in our praises, our allegiances and our fears are redirected from the earthly realm to the heavenly realm. Psalm 82 glorifies God and encourages His people proclaiming heaven's perspective on politics...

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