July 2, 2017

Sea, City, and Harlot – Hebrews 11:29-31

Passage: Hebrews 11:29-31
Service Type:

As the author of Hebrews continues to multiply examples of faith, he presents several instances which feature foreboding obstacles and shared experiences. These references feature the power of God intervening in the most challenging circumstances thus demonstrating His superior power. They also remind us that all believers share in the experience of salvation and its attending promises. We can relate to these accounts, if not in their spectacular scope, certainly in their principle theme. Note these three examples of faith tested and proven occur in spite of apparent inherent disqualifications. At her exodus, Israel is plagued by inferior cultural experience, oppression, and slavery – Israel in conquest remains ill equipped for war boasting no training, equipment proper to the task, or tactical advantage, and Rahab's vocation as a prostitute was black mark enough, not to mention her status as a pagan citizen among Gentile Canaanites! None of these disadvantages could derail the decrees of God nor the faith manifesting itself in the hearts of His chosen people as they trusted God's Word in spite of these handicaps...

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