December 17, 2023

SHEPHERD’S LAMENT – 12-17-23 – Psalm 123

Passage: Psalm 123

There are advent connections to Psalm 123 to bracket our message today.

Throughout the prophets and in particular Jeremiah's “Lamentations”, the reader encounters a striking tone of sadness coloring so much of this Old Testament literature. While hopeful, our song today is another example of sorrow expressed in the Biblical record. Why are sad songs in the Bible? What is the purpose of lament? Answers to these questions have been suggested in popular evangelical circles in recent years usually in the context of some social or personal occasion for grief like a death in one's family or justice concerns in culture. Lament has been reintroduced to the modern church as the language of scripture for those who: “weep with those who weep”. The heart of the prophets and the tone of Psalm 123 provide a deeper context for the purpose of lament in scripture however. I submit that they express a profound anguish, not limited to their own experiences, for the coming Messiah, and His salvation. We echo their cries yet today as we await the second coming and the reconciliation of all things according the fullness of redemption. Definition proposal: 'Lament': When the longing of our souls joins the groaning of all creation in anguish and faith that upon the coming Day of the Lord, redemption will be complete.” (Romans 8:22-23).