March 3, 2019

Slaves vs. Sons – Galatians 4:1-7

Passage: Galatians 4:1-7
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Galatians chapter 4 contains 2 illustrations to emphasize the distinction between justification by faith and works enabled salvation. These pictures also illuminate the difference the gospel fulfilled effects in the experience of the believer. Verse 21 introduces the analogy of 2 children representing differing covenant realities, while our text today expands upon the guardian/child relationship previously mentioned in 3:23-26. This analogy pertains to 2 aspects of the law in scripture. The first is: The redemptive/ historical time signature of the law of Moses. This concept refers especially to the ceremonial aspects of the Mosaic law designed to maintain cultural/ethnic distinctions and signify fulfillment to come. These mandates had a shelf-life and had run their course having served their purpose upon the completion of the Messiah's life and ministry. Only the tragically deceived do not realize these mandates are obsolete in Christ – or wish these limitations to remain indefinitely – or seek to return to the former state of things. This posture presumes a fundamental misunderstanding of the work of Jesus Christ. The second aspect of the law this analogy pertains to is: The Pedagogical use (teaching as to children). This is the demonstration of our sinfulness and the declaration of our condemnation for falling short of the glory of God. In this sense, we are all “born under the law” and must be redeemed if we are to be free from the deserving judgements of God for our sins against Him. If we naively seek salvation by means of our own law keeping, we remain under the law's condemning voice pronouncing: “guilty!” with no access to grace available through the cross of Christ alone by which we receive salvation from our sins and their consequences...

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