November 22, 2015

Stupidity of Skepticism – Matthew 22:23-33

Passage: Matthew 22:23-33
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Today's message finds its structure here in Mat 22 as well as a parallel encounter between John the Baptist and the Sadducees in Mat 3. In both texts, corruption of unbelieving intellectual commitments is highlighted. The foundation and fallout of the worldly mind is on display in these interactions. In Jesus' day, as in ours, the unbeliever displays a tragic irony in His presuppositions. In most cases he remains committed to and insists on a position of hopeless, despairing, nihilism when all that stands in his way is sinful pride blinding him to the eternal, astonishing, beautiful truth. The Sadducees were the deists, skeptics, and proto-naturalistic materialists of their day. Their rejection of Jesus in the face of all evidence to the contrary is a powerfully sobering reminder that salvation of the dead sinner is by the sovereign grace of God alone!

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