January 21, 2018

Supreme Jealousy – Nahum 1:1-8

Passage: Nahum 1:1-8
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Nahum is the sequel to Jonah in many ways. The calling of this prophet was to
proclaim the imminent judgement Nineveh would not escape and doubly deserved. The revival sparked by Jonah’s preaching in this great city likely lasted no more than a generation – some 30 years or so. Jonah prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II (782-753 B.C.) (II Kings 14:23-28). The notorious warmonger Tiglath-Pileser assumed the throne of Assyria in 745 B.C. A true contrast to the king who lead city-wide repentance upon the word of God delivered through Jonah. In fact Assyria invaded the northern kingdom of Israel soon after in 722 B.C.. Nahum's ministry begins as God's patience with Nineveh wains around a century after their apostasy and the city utterly falls to fulfillment of the prophet's words after 150 years of so. Nineveh is ransacked in 612 B.C. By the Medes and Babylonians. Assyria has been used as an instrument of chastisement for the unfaithful people of God but now she will answer for her wickedness and the Lord will use the eventual oppressors of the southern kingdom of Judah to accomplish this, yet they too will one day meet a jealous God in their own demise. The book of Nahum reminds us even today that the boundaries of God’s patience are encountered at the borders of His people... so we best take refuge in Him!

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