June 5, 2022


Passage: II Peter 3:1-10

Peter's admonition to the New Testament church draws on perspectives in light of the 'Day of the Lord'. This concept, thoroughly expounded in the prophets, was key to arresting the attention of a self-centered and easily distracted people. Peter exhorts the church and rebukes scoffers in light of the coming and the 2nd coming of Christ. Just as the 'Day of the Lord' signaled salvation or judgement depending on the heart condition of the people in Noah's day for instance, so the second coming of Christ will bring final judgement upon all who failed to realize His coming unto salvation. According to Peter, sincere Christians will be 'stirred up' by his preaching. These reminders are therefore essential perspective points to rally and encourage the church. Meanwhile, insincere scoffers will reject these warnings in their secular sophistry. Peter has given us a profile of false teachers spreading reasons to scoff at the clear teaching of scripture in chapter 2. He has focused primarily on their character to this point in his second letter. In chapter 3, he analyses and refutes the world-view of the scoffers. The apostle is calling all sincere minds! Pay attention and heed the 'event oracles' of covenant history! Peter warns us to never forget the reality and implications of creation and the flood. When we take seriously the testimony of the Lord's past works of creation and judgement .