“Humility may be defined to be a habit of mind and heart corresponding to our comparative unworthiness and vileness before God, or a sense of our own comparative meanness in his sight, with the disposition to a behavior answerable thereto.
…humility is an excellence proper to all created intelligent beings, for they are all infinitely little and mean before God, and most of them are in some way mean and low in comparison with some of their fellow creatures.
…First, Humility doth primarily and chiefly consist in a sense of our meanness as compared with God, or a sense of the infinite distance there is between God and ourselves. We are little, despicable creatures, even worms of the dust, and we should feel that we are as nothing, and less than nothing, in comparison with the Majesty of heaven and earth…..we are not truly humble unless we have a sense of our nothingness as compared with God.” (emphasis mine) In other words, we who are made from nothing, are as nothing compared with the One who made us from nothing. Humility remembers that.
Secondly, A sense of our own meanness as compared with many of our fellow-creatures….He that has a right sense and estimate of himself in comparison with God, will be likely to have his eyes open to see himself aright in all respects. Even before the fall of mankind, such an attitude was appropriate, but it is even more so now that “his natural meanness has become much greater since the fall, for the moral ruin of his nature has greatly impaired his natural faculties…” And so, we are now both “naturally” and “morally” mean in relation to God: “His natural meanness is his littleness as a creature; and his moral meanness is his vileness and filthiness as a sinner.” We see this attitude illustrated in Scripture as Isaiah said upon seeing God exclaimed,”Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” Is. 6:5 And as Job confessed, “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:5-6
…it is not only necessary they we should know God, and have a sense of his greatness, without which we cannot know ourselves, but we must have right sense also of his excellence and loveliness. The devils and damned spirits see a great deal of God’s greatness, of his wisdom, omnipotence, etc….However unwilling they are to know it, God makes them know how much he is above them now, and they shall know and feel it still more, at and after the judgment. But they have no humility, nor will they ever have, because, though they see and feel God’s greatness, yet they see and feel nothing of his loveliness. And without this there can be no true humility, for that cannot exist unless the creature feels his distance from God, not only with respect to his greatness, but also his loveliness….From such a sense of their comparative meanness, persons are made sensible how unworthy they are of God’s mercy or gracious notice.
…not knowing and feeling his loveliness and excellence, their wills and dispositions by no means comply with and conform to what is becoming their meanness; and so they have no humility, but are full of pride.
… Humility tends “to prevent an aspiring and ambitious behavior amongst men.” The humble man is content with the position in life in which God has placed him and “is not greedy of honor, and does not affect to appear uppermost and exalted above his neighbors.”
“Humility tends to prevent and ostentatious behavior. If the truly humble man has any advantage or benefit of any kind, either temporal or spiritual, above his neighbors, he will not affect to make a show of it….it is a small thing with him what men may think of him…he is content that the great Being who sees in secret beholds and will approve it.” This is not to be confused, however, with the arrogant and insensitive attitude so prevalent today which speaks this way: “I’ve got to be myself, and I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks, or who gets hurt.”  What Edwards is talking about it a person who really lives day to day seeking no one’s approval but God’s. For the humble soul, it is God’s opinion which sways decisions and motivates actions. A humble person may in fact speak very boldly at times, risking great risk of harm and insult from others, finding courage in the knowledge that God would have him do just that.
…Humility tends also to prevent an arrogant and assuming behavior…His behavior does not carry with it the idea that he is the best amongst those about him, and that he is the one to whom the chief regard should be shewn, and whose judgment is the most to be sought and followed….he gives all due deference to the judgment and inclinations of others…he has not the air, either in his speech or behavior, of one that esteems himself one of the best saints in the whole company.
…Humility tends also to prevent a scornful behavior. Treating others with scorn and contempt is one of the worst and most offensive manifestations of pride toward them….They are not found treating with scorn and contempt what others say, or speaking of what they do with ridicule and sneering reflections, or sitting and relating what others may have spoken or done, only to make sport of it.”  We live in scornful times.  Contempt is so embedded in the dialogue of American media outlets that we can easily become oblivious to it, absorbing such attitudes and regurgitating them.  It’s not without cause that so much of the world views Americans as arrogant. In the name of Christian love, we who name the name of Christ must guard ourselves against such attitudes and displays of arrogance and superiority over others, both in public and in the privacy of our homes and hearts.
…Humility tends also to prevent a willful and stubborn behavior….They will not be stiff and inflexible, and insist that everything must go according to what they happen first to propose, and manifest a disposition by no means to be easy, but to make all the difficulty they can, and to make others uneasy as well as themselves, and to prevent anything being done with any quietness, if it be not according to their own mind and will…always bent on carrying their own points, and, if this cannot be done, then bent on opposing and annoying others….A truly humble man is inflexible in nothing but in the cause of his Lord and Master, inflexible, because God and conscience require it; but in things of lesser moment, and which do not involve his principles as a follower of Christ, and in things that only concern his own private interests, he is apt to yield to others. And if he sees that others are stubborn and unreasonable in their willfulness, he does not allow that to provoke him to be stubborn and willful in his opposition to them…” (emphasis mine)
…Humility prevents leveling behavior. Some persons are always ready to level those above them down to themselves, while they are never willing to level those below them up to their own position.” A humble man “will be willing that all should rise just so far as their diligence and worth of character entitle them to; and on the other hand, he will be willing that his superiors should be known and acknowledged in their place, and have rendered to them all the honors that are their due.
…Humility also tends…to prevent a self-justifying behavior.” A humble person “will be willing to acknowledge his fault, and take the shame of it to himself. He will not be hard to be brought to a sense of his fault, or to testify that sense by a suitable acknowledgment of his error….It is pride that makes men so exceedingly backward to confess their fault when they have fallen into one…. But humility in the behavior makes men prompt to their duty in this respect, and if it prevails as it should, will lead them to do it with alacrity and even delight.”
