September 20, 2020

Attend and Consider – Psalm 107:17-43

Passage: Psalm 107:17-43
Service Type:

The second half of Psalm 107 continues building a cumulative case for worship of the One True God responsible for the timeline of the universe and the course of each individual life. The song establishes beyond reasonable argument that Yahweh is worthy of praise. The truly wise and the truly enlightened are distinguished by their consideration and testimony of the steadfast love of the Lord. This message considers 2 more illustrations of peril poetically relayed in verses 17-32. Those lost to their own devices are like sick men on their death bed. Moreover, they are like storm tossed sailors clinging to the wreckage of their vessel in a devastating gale at sea. In these verses (17-32) we continue to see the recurring pattern structuring these sections. Description of trouble, the cry of the people, the Lord's deliverance, and the people's praise. In addition we mark 2 phrases repeated 4 times each throughout the body of the Psalm. “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and He delivered them from their distress.” (6,13,19,28). Also: “Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of men.” (8,15,21,31). These themes are further emphasized by the bookends of the opening and closing context of the Psalm. Having made his case with irrefutable force, the reader/singer is called to account. “Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things”. Therefore we consider them in our sermon today...

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