September 13, 2020

Redeemed Confession – Psalm 107:1-16

Passage: Psalm 107:1-16
Service Type:

Book 5 of the Psalter opens with a thematic, poetic, symmetrical, and contextual song. The theme is the praise worthy testimony of the steadfast love of Yahweh redeeming His people. The poetry incorporates 4 pictures of redemption from 4 perilous situations which vividly illustrate the saving work of God and the desperate plight of His people through the ages. The symmetry of ideas incorporates a 4 part pattern which is evident in each picture of distress. 1.) The description of trouble (4,10,17,23). 2.) The cry of the people (6,13,19,28). 3.) The Lord's salvation/deliverance (6,13,19,28). 4.) The people's thankful praise (8,15,21,31). Ps 107 follows 106 in book arrangement and theme. 106 prays that (47) God would gather the elect from among the nations. Ps 107 provides a worship anthem/call to worship upon the fulfillment of this prayer during times of exile. While each scenario pictured in Ps 107 contains familiar parallels with specific events in the history of Israel or certain Israelites, it draws on these allusions to illustrate a greater and enduring reality. In this way it differs a bit from a classically historical Psalm. Ps 107's historical allusions/references serve to demonstrate the great universal need for salvation among people from every era since Adam. The divine intervention of the Lord becomes the theme of salvation hymns for every generation of believers. We all have encountered the saving power and steadfast love of the Lord redeeming us from the perilous and eternal death grip of sin...

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