March 6, 2022


Passage: II Peter 2:4-14

If the present remnant of God's covenant people are not deceived by their imminent enemies, they are nevertheless often discouraged at their apparent power. Peter writes to a small number called to stand against an anti-Christ horde. To encourage and equip his hearers, the apostle appeals to the testimony of God's accountability program for the wicked through the ages. Citing examples from pre-creation to corrupt city states, we are prepared to face our own battles with evidence of God's reckoning track record. In these instances, history records that the condemnation of the Lord is not idle, and destruction is not asleep (verse 3). The prophetic indictments against the sinful rebellion of men have no statute of limitations short of repentance before the cross. From Genesis 3 to the proclamation of final judgement, the Word of God stands as immutable as its author in condemnation of the idolaters. Peter illustrates this point by citing several historical examples including: the excommunication of the apostate angels, the calamitous judgement of the ancient world of Noah, and the fiery graves of Sodom and Gomorrah citizens. Each of these situations features a two fold act of God in His decisive reckoning namely: The salvation of a remnant, and the judgement of the wicked. These passages teach us that without repentance, we are our own worst enemy. Let us glean a reckoning perspective for our present challenges from the apostle's instruction...

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