March 13, 2022

‘WAW’ – THE TRIAL OF SCOFFERS – Psalm 119:41-48

Passage: Psalm 119:41-48

The 6th stanza of the great acrostic psalm presents 8 verses beginning with the Hebrew letter 'Waw' in the original language. The great theme of the psalm namely: 'the sufficiency of the Word of God' is illustrated in this section with a 5th example. Our author adds to the list of trials, proclaiming not only that the scriptures are sufficient for the tests of youth, sojourning, sorrows, and worldly temptations, but also for the trials presented by scoffing unbelievers. The scriptures equip us to answer those who are hostile to our faith. Christians who still hold to the word of truth, the rules, the law, the precepts, the testimonies, and the commandments of the Lord according to Ps 119:41-48 will recognize immediately when the lawless pride of our day challenges the immutable authority of God's Word. Though most of us can relate to a sense of outrage given the blatant blasphemy so common in our culture, many of us, if we are honest, also feel a sense of helplessness, defeat and insecurity in the face of blatant and powerful evil. This is where Ps 119 steps in to equip the church. This passage is key for building the believer's credibility and confidence in spite of a wicked culture around us. The scriptures are sufficiency to provide “an answer for him who taunts me”.

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